NIOX VERO®: The Gold Standard FeNO Testing Device
Accurately assess airway inflammation at the
point-of-care, with NIOX VERO®

What Is FeNO Testing?
The Most Convenient Biomarker
- Simple: Result is a single value, to quickly understand the level of airway inflammation
- Immediate: Test performed and results obtained in less than 2 minutes at the point-of-care
- Non-invasive: Only requires a gentle breath, similar to blowing bubbles in a drink
- Easy: Can be performed in young children and by patients with severely reduced lung function
- Safe: Gentle exhalation very unlikely to trigger a cough. Not an aerosol-generating procedure
The Science Behind FeNO
Type 2 airway inflammation is present in up to 84% of asthma patients.7 In those patients, interleukins IL-4 and IL-13 upregulate the activity of the iNOS (inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase) enzyme, which produces NO in the airways.8 Levels of exhaled NO are increased and can be accurately measured with FeNO testing. Inhaled corticosteroids suppress a wide rage of inflammatory pathways and reduce FeNO levels.9
Instantly transform your asthma care
FeNO testing can give you more confidence in diagnosing and managing asthma. An asthma diagnosis is 7x more likely with a high FeNO level.10 Paitents with a high FeNO also have up to 3.2x greater risk of exacerbation.11 Using FeNO testing to guide asthma management can help reduce exacerbations by up to 50% through optimizing therapy and uncovering non-adherence.12 In addition, FeNO testing can be used as an educational tool as patients visualize what is happening in their lungs, encouraging them to take their treatment as prescribed.
Introducing NIOX VERO®
NIOX VERO® is accurate, reliable and straightforward. Help diagnose patients, optimize treatment, reduce exacerbations, uncover non-adherence, all in one breath.
Inhale. Exhale.
With NIOX VERO®, testing FeNO is as simple as inhaling and exhaling. Our unique breathing handle ensures your results are accurate.
Never-ending Performance
Our pre-calibrated sensors just work, from the first test to the last test. Whenever you need a new sensor, simply replace in one click and resume testing.
One test, one result
NIOX® protects your patients from failing a test. Flow Rate Control™ guides your patients to a successful test, leading to an accurate result each time, every time.
Trusted around the world
With over 50 million tests completed worldwide, NIOX® is trusted by thousands of healthcare professionals in clinical settings and research trials.